Friday, December 10, 2004

Diving Mrs. Daisy

Just thought I'd provide a more complete event description from my last post.

Daisy likes to climb on things, every-things. She was on the couch, and she likes to swing a leg over the arm. She does this to taunt me. I (as her parent) am obligated to tell her "no", "you're going to hurt yourself", and "sit, please", all of which she ignores. So I walk from the kitchen to the couch until she sits down.

As I walk (for the second time) back towards the kitchen and my chores, "bang" goes that unmistakeable head-on-hardness sound. I spin around and Daisy is nowhere to be seen. Did she disappear? No silly, she just took a header off the couch into the corner out of view. Oh, and she's mad. As soon as she catches her breath, that scream she started a few seconds ago is gonna catch up.

I think she's too young to understand "I told you so", but I say it anyway as I rub this big red mark on her forehead and the scream suddenly explodes in my ear. Poor thing.

By the way, she's doing it again now as I type, please excuse me...

Daisy's keeping me busy...

What with falling off the couch as soon as I'm not looking, and playing with the Fart Machine remote control, I've got my hands full today. Hopefully she'll take a good nap soon, because I need it!